Zodiac Meme

Here is another fun weekly Meme from Ms. Berry I decided to do-

fd cirque du soliei diamonds mask_001

Meme instructions: Copy and paste the following questions and answers into your post; then delete my answers and input your own. Don’t forget to leave a comment below with a link to your post so we can all come by and check it out!

Some people are not familiar with Astrology and the Zodiac signs so I thought I would link you to a few sites that I used to answer some of the questions.
Wikipedia Pages: Astrology and Astrological Sign
You can look up your sign’s attributes here: Zodiac-signs-astrology.com or Cafe Astrology

  1. What is your birthday and/or Zodiac sign? – My birthday is April 13th which makes me an Aries.
  2. Do you believe in or follow astrology? – I do not believe in astrology per say. I believe that we all have a destiny and that our actions help determine which way our destiny takes. I tend to not read my horoscope as it is all gibberish to me but sometimes like Ms. Berry, I like the accessories that come out around the Aries cycle.
  3. Do you feel your sign’s attributes reflect who you are? –I read a lot of the traits and I agree that the good traits seem to be me as I am very independent, and I like to think I am generous and very optimistic. I try to be enthusiastic and help people however I can. I am not so courageous as I am introverted in rl. I read the bad traits as well and not many of those fit my personality as I think I have a lot of patience and I am not super self absorbed.
  4. Have you ever been to a psychic or astrologer either in RL or in SL (are there any in SL?) No I haven’t been to either in RL or in SL and I am not sure what I would hope to find from one.
  5. Do you read your horoscope daily and try to follow any advice, recommendations or warnings it may have for you that day? I will read it every blue moon and it confuses me so I am like hmm that was a waste of my time 🙂
  6. Do you have very strong feelings about astrology, either negative or positive? I don’t have feelings with it either way. I look at it as a way of religion for some people and it is personal to each and everyone of us. It is not my place to choose what or who you believe in. I believe in destiny and fate but many others believe that is astrology. I think whatever helps people get through their days so they may find some comfort in this crazy world and helps them to believe, then it can’t be all bad. Take it like Ms. Berry said with a grain of salt and be sure to have a laugh at those silly horoscopes every now and then.

This sexy mask is a rare Cirque du Soleli Diamond mask from FD at The FGC and my hair is from Truth named Tawny with the sexy Glitter Lipstick from MUA.

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